Contact Us!

Luis Abundis


Concept to Execution

Product Concept
Sourcing & Compliance
Manufacturing & Bottling
Product Launch
Branding & Marketing
Sales Strategy & Execution

We help you reduce the learning curve by guiding you through every step of the process and introducing you to the right partners for the successful execution of your project.


Profitable Spirits, LLC is an American company based in Austin, Texas that specializes in sourcing the right elements to develop quality, and most importantly, profitable spirits brands.  To achieve excellence in manufacturing, we have strategic partnerships with production and product development experts with over 25 years of experience. In addition, we have the muscle of a co-packer with a very efficient bottling line with the capacity to produce up to 500,000 cases per year. We work hand to hand with medium and large distributors and importers to bring high quality profitable spirits to retailers.

Luis Abundis
Founder / CEO

Luis has 15+ years of experience and an extensive network within the liquor industry. He began his career working with a boutique importer and distributor, representing agave brands. He worked as a consultant for Texas boutique distributors and emerging brands helping them design and execute their commercialization strategy. In 2013, he Co-Founded Red Carpet Productions a Brand Management Agency in the liquor industry. In 2017, he joined the group launching Austin’s first Whiskey distillery since the prohibition era, Still Austin Whiskey, as VP of Sales. Luis has developed an extensive network within the liquor industry, from distilleries in Texas and Mexico, Importers, Distributors and Retailers and Wholesalers in the United States. A visionary and entrepreneur himself, Luis is dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs connect to the right resources to effectively launch quality products in the United States.

Originally from Mexico, Luis graduated from St. Edward’s University with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He enjoys traveling and tasting food and cocktails with his wife and business partner Nayeli, with whom he has two daughters, Andrea and Ximena, who are following his footsteps as a tennis player.

Not in the liquor industry? No problem! Our program, Profitable Steps is focused on emerging brands outside of the liquor industry. We create and execute commercialization strategies by gathering the expertise needed to successfully launch consumer products into the marketplace both for e-commerce and retail stores.



  • Blending
  • Tasting Notes
  • Aroma
  • Color

Brand Conception & Manufacturing

  • Brand Creation
  • Raw Materials
  • Packaging
  • Bottling

Existing Brands

  • Evaluation of Production Cost
  • Manufacturing
  • Production


  • Product Development
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Branding
  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing


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Want To Start Your Own Brand?

Tell us more about your product idea!


En Profitable Spirits, LLC contamos con un grupo de expertos que te pueden ayudar con todo el proceso legal de registro de marca y certificaciones para poder importar y comercializar marcas de licor en los Estados Unidos.  Además, tenemos alianzas estratégicas con importadores, agentes aduanales, transportistas, distribuidores, y agencias de promoción y mercadotecnia para introducir tu marca al mercado americano.

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